Thursday, October 24, 2013

Unit 1 Test Tomorrow (Friday, 10/25)

U.S. History Unit 1 Test Review Guide

Ideas Influencing the Colonies
mercantilism, Magna Carta, Great Awakening, Enlightenment/Enlightenment Thinkers and their main ideas
Pre-Revolution Events
·      Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts, Common Sense
·      “No taxation without representation”
·      Why did the U.S. declare independence from Great Britain?
Articles of Confederation and its weaknesses
·      Why did the Articles of Confederation fail? What were its weaknesses?
·      Shay’s Rebellion, Class Conflict
U.S. Constitution
·      Constitutional Convention and Major Issues (Representation: republic vs. democracy, Great Compromise, bicameral legislature, equal versus proportionate representation, Three-Fifths Compromise; Division of Power: Federalism (different levels of government and examples of their appropriate functions); Separation of Power: Branches of Government and their functions, the legislative process; Amendments: “elastic clause”)
·      Ratification: Federalist vs. Antifederalist, 1788)
·      Six Big Ideas: Limited Government, Republicanism (the system, not the political party), Federalism, Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, Popular Sovereignty (Explain idea/Match idea and quote)
·      Senate/House of Representatives/The Executive Branch Today
·      George Washington elected as the first POTUS in 1789
·      Bill of Rights (#1-10)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Happy Wednesday!

Today, we are fortunate to have a special guest speaker 
to make the Constitution come alive for us
as students and citizens of Woodinville, WA, USA!
Please welcome our very own WHS Resource Officer,
Deputy Callahan!

Side Notes: 
1. D&F Reports going out on Friday...Those of you with missing assignments, see me if you have any questions (or email me at and get those turned in!

2. Unit Test planned for Friday. Review tomorrow. Bring your questions!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Know Your Rights and The Supreme Nine

Today, we continue to break down the U.S. Constitution into six big ideas. Then, we need to know our rights and the power of the Supreme Court!
1.Warm-Up: Respond to lyrics of “Money, Power & Respect”! Is this true? Is this right? Connect to an idea we’ve discussed…
2.Constitution Talk
1.Six Big Ideas 
2.27 Amendments: Our Rights
1. 27 Amendments: Choose 1
2. The Judicial Branch: The U.S. Supreme Court