Friday, December 6, 2013

Another Aloha Falcon Friday!

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)

Today, we are going to continue to analyze documents and begin to organize claims to support your thesis.

1.Discuss Docs A, D, E
2.Analyze Quotes (Docs B, C, F)
3.Organize Claims (reasons)
4.Select Documents to Support Your Claims (“bucketing”)
5.Organize Evidence

1.Discuss Docs A, D, E
2.Analyze Quotes (Docs B, C, F)
nWHERE: Where is the quote coming from? Is it from a literary work? Speech?
nWHEN: When was this written/said? Consider the context of that time.
nWHO: Who is speaking? What is their perspective? What is their bias?
nWHAT: What is the literal meaning? Figurative meaning? PARAPHRASE IT!
nHOW: How are these words being used? To persuade? To inform? What connotations (emotions/images) arise?
nWHY: Why is this quote significant (important)?

3.Organize Claims (reasons)
nUse the graphic organizer to:
nOrganize your supporting claims (reasons) to defend your thesis
nSelect documents to cite evidence (bucket)
nOrganize and cite evidence (analysis of details)
nDon’t list documents and their contents

4.Select Documents to Support Your Claims (“bucketing”)
5.Organize Evidence

nYou must use outside knowledge, not all information comes from the documents
nMaking an inference from the documents counts as outside knowledge
nUse specific names, terms, events (i.e. proper nouns)
nStay within the historical period
nAnalyze and make inferences from, not restate, contents of the document
nThis is not a laundry list of documents and their contents
nAvoid quotes, especially passages more than 3-4 words.
nMake sure to return to the main topic of the essay.
nRefer to the actual document/author/subject, not “Doc. A”
nDo not use “I” and write in past tense or past perfect (Carnegie argued/had argued)

“’Captains of Industry’ or ‘Robber Barons’?” DBQ Essay Rubric
8 – 9 (Exceeds Standards)
_____ Well-developed thesis that addresses the question (support of thesis is overwhelmingly persuasive)
_____ Considerable specific and relevant outside information to support thesis (information from documents and outside sources is balanced)
_____ Effective analysis of a substantial number of documents (half plus one), refutes counterclaims
_____ May contain minor factual errors that do not detract from the overall quality of the essay
_____ Well-written and clearly organized
5 – 7 (Meets Standards)

_____ Acceptable thesis (answers the question)
_____ Some specific and relevant outside information to support the thesis

_____ Effective analysis of some of the documents and outside information (explains the significance of the information/demonstrates an ability to make inferences/addresses and refutes counterclaim)
_____ Acceptable writing and organization

_____ May contain factual errors that do not seriously detract from the quality of the essay
2 – 4 (Approaching Standards)
_____ Thesis is nonexistent, confused, or unfocused

_____ Little specific or relevant outside information

_____ Little or no analysis of the documents

_____ Problems in writing and organization that detract from the quality of the essay
_____ Contains major factual errors
0–1 (Below Standards)
_____ Inaccurate or inappropriate response to the question; Little or no factual information; substantial factual errors
INC (Incomplete)

1st period: 1st draft of essay & review Unit 2 test
2nd period: Finish Docs A-F and Create Thesis + Claims

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Brrr it's cold!

Today, we are going to learn/review the purposes and process of doing a DBQ and our goal is to begin organizing the essay!

1.What is a DBQ?

A Document-Based Question (DBQ) requires you to write an essay defending a thesis that uses
1) an analysis of primary/secondary source documents, as well as
2) outside knowledge
of a specific historical topic.

2.What are the purposes of doing a DBQ?

nSee beyond the obvious
nCome to your own conclusions
Develop an opinion based on evidence

3.Understand the Question
n To what extent can the industrialists of the late 19th to early 20th century be characterized as “Captains of Industry” and/or “Robber Barons”?
Re-write the question
in your own words
(on the back of your packet)

4.Answer the Question

nOn the back of your packet:
nBased on your brainstorming and from what you’ve read so far, come up with a preliminary 1-sentence thesis statement with arguments to answer the question.
nThesis does not come from documents
nAcknowledge opposing arguments and prepare to destroy them! (REQUIRED)

5.Analyze the Documents
6.Organize your Claims/Arguments

Period 1: Finish analyzing Documents A-F and list 3 claims in the graphic organizer.
Period 2: Finish analyzing Documents A, D, E. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Guess what day it is?

Today, we will be combining what we do know and what we analyze about big business during Industrialization to determine whether these leaders were good guys and/or bad guys…

1.Warm-Up: Brainstorm what you know about big business, Captains of Industry/Robber Barons of the Industrialization.

2. DBQ (Document-Based Questions): To what extent can the industrialists of the mid-19th century to early 20th century  be characterized as "Captains of Industry" and/or "Robber Barons"? (CLICK HERE FOR DBQ)

Period 1: 
DBQ: Go over Docs A, D; Analyze Documents B + C for HW

Period 2:
DBQ: Read Background Essay; Finish Background Essay and Vocab/terms for HW

Block Mon/Tues

1.Warm-Up: Discuss @ your table groups, how was your Thanksgiving Weekend? What’d you do? What is one thing you’re thankful for?
2.New seats
3.RACE: Are We So Different? exhibit @ Pacific Sci. Ctr.
4.Unit 2 Test
1.Retakes: Wed., 12/18
1. Role-Play
Period 1:
2.Captains of Industry or Robber Barons?
2. DBQ