Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Movement Wednesday

  1. Today, we are going to continue to examine the ideas/events that influenced the colonies and how this period helped to shape our existing government.
  2. Warm-Up: Reflect on (Think about, then write about what “it” means to you) the following quote: "The time is always right to do what's right"---Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., commencement speech at Oberlin College, 1963-1964
  3. Enlightenment & Great Awakening
    1. Current Movements (Good ideas & discussion): Education/Testing, Legalization of Marijuana, Sustainability/Recycling/Climate Change, Information Technology, 2nd Amendment, GMOs, etc.
    2. Revisit Ideas
    3. Venn-Check
Period 1: Thank you for your feedback about Monday and about the Current Events assignment. To clarify, CURRENT EVENTS (CE) WILL BE A WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT DUE ON MONDAYS, unless otherwise stated (I'll let you know if there won't be one). We may or may not have a CE discussion on Mondays.


1. CURRENT EVENTS (CE) WILL BE A WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT DUE ON MONDAYS. We may or may not have a CE discussion on Mondays.

2. Also, please check your grades (online/ask me) and let me know if I need to adjust any grades (if you've turned something and I didn't note it, Remember: Keep your receipts!), and so you can also see if you need to resubmit an assignment. I <3 Revisions almost as much as I <3 specificity! You have 2 weeks after you get it back to resubmit an assignment.

3. Also, if you are absent, and turn in work after your return, please write "ABSENT, (and the date of your absence)", for instance: "ABSENT, 9/26". Holla back to Cat M. in 2nd Period for her brilliance!

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